Operating Systems

Mandatory course in the Bachelor Degree program in Computer Engineering, it is held at the first semester of the third year. Its objectives are to present the basic elements of the operating systems architecture and to teach the concepts and methods of concurrent programming. The course also introduces to the operating system management by means of the shell commands, shell scripts, filters and system calls

The course is organized in lectures and laboratories. Lectures (4 credits) consist in the presentation and discussion of slides that will be available on the teaching portal prior the starting of the lessons. During the laboratory activity (2 credits) the students will solve problems, implementing programs in C language, related to the main topics of the courses.

Instructors: Fulvio Risso, Yusupov Jaloliddin

General Information

  • Credits: 8

  • Lectures: 46

  • Practice: 20

  • Labaratory: 42

  • Tutorial/Revision: 16

  • Self Study: 130

Subject Resources

Virtual Enviroment: crownlabs.polito.it

Textbooks required:

  • Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, "Operating System Concepts", 9th Edition, John Wiley & Son, 2013

  • Tanenbaum, Bos, "Modern Operating Systems", 4th Edition, Pearson, 2015

Academic Year 2021-2022


Discussion Group

Academic Year 2020-2021


Discussion Group