Algorithms and Programming 2
The course allows the student to acquire adequate knowledge and skills in algorithms, data structures and their implementation in C to solve complex problems. The student should gradually evolve from more analytic to more design-oriented skills. Algorithmic solutions to 'classical' problems are introduced, together with their theoretical foundations, and the implementations in C language. Advanced aspects of C are considered, like pointers, dynamic memory allocation, modularity and Abstract Data Type implementation. The student has the opportunity to analyze practical examples, describing solutions to complex problems, and the related algorithmic paradigms. Knowledge and programming skills are applied during lab sessions.
Instructors: Riccardo Coppola, Yusupov Jaloliddin
General Information
Credits: 8
Lectures: 46
Practice: 20
Labaratory: 42
Tutorial/Revision: 16
Self Study: 130
Subject Resources
Textbooks required:
• T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, C. Stein, “Introduction to Algorithms”, McGraw-Hill.
• S. Quer, "Advanced Programming and Problem-Solving Strategies in C. Part II: Algorithms and Data Structures", 2nd Edition, 2018, CLUT
• S. Quer, "Advanced Programming and Problem-Solving Strategies in C. Part IV: Exam-Based Problems", 2nd eEdition, 2018, CLUT